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Yellowish teeth healthier

There are now many teeth whitening technology. All people want to their teeth more white the better, in fact, this is wrong understanding, the tooth is not the white the better, the healthy teeth color should be pale yellow.
Pale yellow teeth are the most health
Experts suggest that in addition to develop good habits and regular hospital oral examination, the daily oral care and health care more important, but also the most effective prevention mode.
On the market has a lot of toothpaste ads, the flagship whitening effect, anti allergy and heat Quhuo effect, a survey shows that 90% of people are based mainly on advertising toothpaste. Experts believe that this is a serious misunderstanding. Medicine believes that the yellow teeth are healthy, over the pursuit of whitening is the psychological effect, but will sacrifice the teeth health.
Periodontal disease is invisible killer "
According to experts, a lot of empirical studies have confirmed that periodontitis can affect the heart, lungs, kidneys and other important organs function. For pregnant women, periodontal disease is not only harmful to their health, may also lead to low birth weight babies born to risk and the chances of this higher nearly 7 times, can use the "invisible killer" to describe the harm of periodontal disease.
Poor living habits are the culprit in adult infection with periodontal disease..
Experts pointed out that smoking, alcohol, mental tension, irregular rest, as well as incorrect oral care habits are likely to provoke disease upper body. But a lot of people do not means, until the lesions invade periodontal fiber, resulting in inflammation, purulent, tooth loose or even when the loss of attention. To this end, the expert reminder must be adequate attention to the dangers of periodontal disease.
Expert introduction, caused by periodontal disease a major element of plaque and calculus, alone gargle and hastily brushing is cannot keep clear of thoroughly, must through scaling to remove. In general a year to a year and a half to wash a tooth brushing habits; not too good, easy to wash a crowd of half a year long odontolith.
Early autumn season many friends like to drink a variety of drinks, which carbonated drinks on the teeth harm is great, long-term a large number of drinking carbonated drinks may lead to corrosion of the teeth with large area, especially the children to special attention. Drink or not drink carbonated beverages, drinking mouthwash immediately are the necessary measures to prevent violations of the teeth of carbonated beverages good.
Autumn is the best season to eat high fiber foods, such as vegetables, whole grains, celery, cabbage, spinach, leeks and other, besides the conducive for the protection of the teeth, to promote the children and adolescents of the lower jaw is well developed and teeth neat, also have the effect very much.
, of course, the most important or we usually pay attention to the consciousness of protecting the teeth, and regular visits to the dentist, dental disease don't avoid diseases taboo medicine, time to seek dental treatment, medication under the guidance of the dental profession.

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